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Challenges & Opportunities of Housing Rehabilitation in Historic Settlements of the Arab Region

Final report

Lead consultant: Aziza Chaouni Projects

Guidelines Summary

This section summarize best practice guidelines for the rehabilitation of housing in historic settlements throughout Arab regions resulting from the conference held in Marrakech 28-30 October 2023.

& CMPs

How can housing rehabilitation be integrated in conservation management plans (CMPs)? Which role can housing play in the deployment and success of CMPs? Answers to follow...


Which financing models are appropriate for the rehabilitation of housing in historic centers, especially when there is no or little return on investment? Answers to follow...

participation &

How can users be integrated in the rehabilitation of their own homes or rented homes in historic centers? How can dwellers  be retained in their homes historic centers pre and post rehabilitation? How could home owners be encouraged to finance or co-finance their houses in historic centers? Answers to follow...


Which sustainable design principle should be followed in the rehabilitation of houses in historic centers? How do we conciliate between traditional construction techniques and contemporary ones? Answers to follow...

Land tenure

Which incentives and bylaws can be put in place by governing bodies to enforce the rehabilitation of housing in historic centers, given that housing is most of the cases is private property? Answers to follow...


What governance models, pre and post rehabilitated housing occupancy, have proven successful in the short, medium and long terms? Answers to follow...

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